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Join us and other leading companies that have calculated their emissions

of users registered and verified

of companies that has calculated the emissions
and others.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should companies calculate their emissions?
Companies should calculate their emissions to measure and reduce their environmental impact, and make informed decisions towards their sustainability targets.
The GHG calculation is a baseline step towards a more sustainable future, as part of the crucial mission to reduce carbon emissions.
Who will have access to the company data that we input?
Access to your company data in our systems is strictly controlled and limited to authorized individuals within the organization. This data is accessible exclusively to accounts registered using your company's email domain. Consequently, only appointed individuals from your company have the authority to enter and modify information in the ECOVISEA. We prioritize the security and confidentiality of your data, and our data access policies are designed to safeguard your information.

What is the background of this partnership?
East Ventures signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin Indonesia) and World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia for the strategic partnership and collaboration in advancing commitment towards net-zero targets on 11 November 2022 at the East Ventures’ breakout session of the Indonesia Net Zero Summit 2022, a sideline event of B20 Indonesia.
How will my company’s data be used?
Your company's data, inputted into this ECOVISEA, will be exclusively used for calculating your GHG emissions. The tool will temporarily retain the data inputs for the purpose of generating the dashboard as a result of calculating your GHG emissions.